

辽宁省沈阳市 | 5年以上 | 本科及以上




l To represent (worldwide) the Quality and Total Customer Satisfaction Division for Deputy Program Director (vhl) or for Powertrain Unit Project Director (PWT) throughout the life cycle of vehicle or powertrain unit

l 在整个汽车或动力总成件的生命周期内代表(全球)质量和全面客户满意部门(vhl)的副总监(vhl)或动力总成部门的项目总监(PWT)

l To give confidence to the company to reach the requirements and QCD targets committed by projects, by providing robust opinions and agreements at milestones and by supporting the milestone convergence, according to the DQSC standards rules.

l 根据DQSC标准规定,让公司有信心达到项目要求和QCD目标,在里程碑时提供强有力的意见和协议,并支持里程碑的趋同。

l Prior to milestone, to ensure the quality & customer satisfaction convergence with the various métiers of the company. To alert his hierarchy, Program Director or Powertrain Unit Project director in case of deviations

l 在里程碑之前,确保质量和客户满意度与公司的各个方面保持一致。项目总监或动力总成部门的项目负责人如有偏差,要提醒其上级。

l At milestones, to prepare and/or to deliver opinion and agreement (according to DOA rule), by making an exhaustive and relevant analysis of the quality and customer satisfaction situation

l 在里程碑节点,通过对质量和客户满意度情况进行详尽的相关分析,准备和/或交付意见和协议(依据DOA规则)。

l To be the guardian of respect of quality assurance in serial life:

l 在系列生命中质量控制方面的守护者:

l For new vehicles, phase 2 and derivate version or for all powertrain unit in development:

l 就新车而言,阶段二和衍生系列或所有开发阶段的动力总成件:

o To define and to deploy the quality and customer satisfaction targets in the projects during development phase and to assure that commitments meet those targets.

o 在开发阶段确定和部署项目的质量和客户满意度目标,并确保达到这些目标。

o To define and decide the appropriate milestoning to be applied on projects, and as well as the requirements expected at milestones; to share them with project team.

o 确定并决定适用于项目的里程碑,以及里程碑预期的要求; 与项目组分享。

o To make the quality evaluation at milestones and prepare the related opinion and agreement; to alert in case of deviation and identified blocking points

o 在里程碑时,进行质量评价并准备相关意见和协议; 如果出现偏差,提醒并确定封锁问题。

o To assure consistency and robustness of commitments delivered by the métiers, with the IQM & AQDM support. Therefore he can make by himself a direct evaluation of results in any of perimeters

o 在IQM和AQDM的支持下,确保各方承诺的一致性和稳健性。 因此,他可以直接对任何领域的结果进行评价。

o To deliver opinion and agreement at project milestone according to delegation rules

o 根据授权规则,在项目里程碑时发表意见。

o To enforce the quality rules and standard in programs

o 执行项目中的质量规则和质量标准。

o To decide the saleability status of vehicles or powertrain unit in launching phase, according to quality rules

o 根据质量规则,确定车辆或动力总成件在投产阶段的可售性状态。

o To make PDCA after milestones in order to give the experience feedback to the Quality dept in charge of quality assurance standard.

o 在里程碑之后进行PDCA,以便将经验反馈给负责质量保证标准的质量部门。

l For serial life

l 关于系列生命

o To make sure that Quality & Customer satisfaction objectives are reached and to get decision on action plan in case of deviation

o 确保实现质量及顾客满意度目标,并在出现偏差时作出行动计划决策。

o To be leader of incidentology committee and customer satisfaction committee or Powertrain unit Excellence committee

o 成为产品故障委员会和顾客满意委员会或动力总成件精良制造委员会的领导;

o To ensure the respect of quality assurance rules regarding modification in serial life.

o 对于连续生命期间的整改,确保重视质量保证规则。

Deliverables and indicators工作交付及指标:

· Key deliverables工作交付主要结果: Formalized opinions and agreements at milestones, including maturity level. Experience feedback at milestone; Powertrain Gazette or Weekly main events / highlights, results and forecast ROV of project milestones. Quality alerts ; Project quality objectives and targets 在里程碑时,将观点和意见形式化,包括成熟度级。 在里程碑时,经验反馈; 动力总成公报或每周的主要事件/亮点,结果和项目里程碑的预测ROV。 质量预警; 项目质量目标和指标。


5 to 10 years of automotive experience in Quality or Engineering or Project Management

Ideal to have former experience in project quality assurance

Bachelor Degree in Vehicle Engineering

English written and spoken

Capabilities to learn, understand many standards . To audit if necessary some focused items

of the project maturity

Capabilities of leadership, group animatio, communication

Customer satisfaction minded. Capabilities to resist to big pressure .To defend the truth



轿车,客车,专用车 | 1000人以上 | 合资企业


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