1、 负责车型的多媒体系统开发、成本优化、性能优化等工作Responsible for multimedia system development, cost optimization, performance optimization, etc.
2、 负责完成产品开发相关技术文件的下发和维护工作
Responsible for issuing and maintaining the development technical documentation
3、 负责多媒体系统功能及性能的标定及测试、验证工作
Responsible for the calibrating, testing and validating work in multimedia system functions and performances
4、 配合公司内部相关部门完成各项工作
Cooperate with internal departments to complete all tasks
5、 积极完成对新产品新技术的研究工作
Actively research the new product and new technology of multimedia system
1、 本科以上学历,机械、电子相关专业,具有五年以上的相关工作经验
Bachelor degree or above, major in mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, 5+ years related work experience of multimedia system
2、 具备前装车载多媒体系统开发经验,了解车载多媒体系统原理,开发流程,产品测试标准
Possess the multimedia system development experience in automotive plant, and understand the multimedia system principle, development process and product test standard
3、 能够独立完成多媒体功能规划和定义,产品开发计划制定和跟踪;
Be able to complete the multimedia system function definition independently, Making and tracking the product development plan
4、 对多媒体产品问题具有独立分析解决的能力
Be able to analyze and solve multimedia product problems independently
5、 具有丰富多媒体系统知识和扬声器听音测评能力,熟练多媒体系统软硬件设计
Possess abundant knowledge of multimedia system and the ability to evaluate sound effect, and expertly design system software and hardware
6、 英语水平良好,可满足日常工作沟通及交流
Good English level to meet daily communication in working
7、 学习能力强,责任心强,有较强的沟通能力和分析解决问题的能力;
Strong learning ability, strong sense of responsibility, strong communication ability and strong ability in analyzing and solving problems
济南 | 3年以上 | 本科及以上
安徽省芜湖市 | 5年以上 | 本科及以上
江苏省常州市 | 经验不限 | 大专及以上
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