1: Support the development of automotive EE systems adhering to safety standards ISO 26262 throughout the product lifecycle (analysis & design, requirements management, development, validation, and production);
2: Create and maintain the functional safety related process as per ISO26262, act as functional safety member in project implementations to complete the related functional safety work products;
3: Lead system analysis at vehicle level together with project members and suppliers; Develop functional safety concepts and perform the safety analysis;
4: Plan and conduct safety assessments and audits, Analysis, review and assessment of all functional safety work products against QIA; Lead/contribute to DFMEA, FTA, DFMEDA, etc;
5: Handle functional safety issues throughout the overall product development process; Specialist and organizational support of project functional safety responsibles;
6: Create and presentat functional safety status reports.
1: Bachelor degree in automotive electronic relevant area;
2: Over 3 years professional experience in automotive electronic product development (one or more area in System/HW/SW/Testing)
3: Over 1 years project experience in functional safety relevant product development
4: Deep understanding of requirements concerning functional safety (ISO 26262&IEC 61508);
5: Excellent English oral and written skills;
6: Initiative and team spirit.
广东省广州市 | 5年以上 | 大专及以上
上海市青浦区 | 3年以上 | 中专及以上
贵州省贵阳市 | 10年以上 | 本科及以上
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